"Sculpa" comes from the Latin word for "sculpt"
Here at Sculpa Studio, we explore how we can carve away at the parts of ourselves that are the least Christlike in order to be sculpted into the masterpieces we were created to be.

Reawaken Planner
A 90-day planner designed to keep you as awake to the beauty around you as to your daily schedules & to-do lists.
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Hey, I'm Rachel!
I’m the artist behind Sculpa Studio.
I believe that each of us was created in a very intentional way by a Divine Creator - a Divine Sculptor - who has a beautiful artistic vision for our lives. If our creator is a Sculptor, then we are like clay with a responsibility to intentionally journey with our Creator towards becoming the masterpieces He intended us to be.
The things I create - the products you’ll see on this website - all aim to help you grow in specific virtues, habits, etc. as you craft your way through your life.